Steam turbines nptel pdf file

Steam turbine is a type of turbomachine which is an assembly of nozzles and blades. Turbine is a rotary engine that converts the energy of a moving stream of water, steam, or gas into mechanical energy. Lecture series on steam and gas power systems by prof. Superheating the steam to higher temperatures has very desirable effect. See more ideas about steam turbine, abandoned factory and industrial photography.

This manual does not for designing steam turbine and the related parts. What is here however, does give the reader the basic theory and pr actice of gas turbines in simple cycle and combined cycle. Outwardly turbines of both types appear identical and, in. Nptel, online courses and certification, learn for free. This video will explain the inner workings of the steam turbines and why they are constructed the way they are in a step by step logical. Impulse turbines, reaction turbines, the impulse principle, the reaction principle, the impulse turbine, compounding of impulse turbine. The basic element in a turbine is a wheel or rotor with addles, propellers, blades, or buckets arranged on its circumference in. Parsons main thrust for the steam turbine was for generating electrical power, but he also had his eyes on applying the steam turbine to drive ships of all kinds. Steam generator, turbine, condenser, feed pump, cycle net work, work ratio. We work to assess and address specific application needs so we can specify and develop a turbine system package that meets and exceeds goals and expectations, and offers flexibility for future needs. Steam turbines consist not only rotating blades called as rotor but also static blades called as stator. Steam turbines steam turbine is a primemover in which pressure energy of steam is transformed into kinetic energy, and later in its turn is transformed into the mechanical energy of rotation of.

It provides an oil film it removes heat generated in the bearings. When whole mass of steam is converted into steam then it is called as dry steam. Power plant engineering notes pdf ppe notes pdf notes. The total energy content available in steam supplied to the steam turbine is not completely recovered in the form of mechanical energy. Steam turbines power generation siemens global website.

In general, a steam turbine is a rotary heat engine that converts thermal energy contained in the steam to mechanical energy or to electrical energy. Unit 2 steam power plant steam power plant structure 2. These are used in conventional fossilfired steam power plants as well as in nuclear and combined cycle power plants. Chemical plant utilities unit 6 introduction a steam generator or a boiler is defined as a closed vessel in which water is converted into steam by burning of fuel in presence of air at desired temperature, pressure and at desired mass flow rate. Learn for free, pay a small fee for exam and get a certificate. Among these are issues of rolling element bearings vs.

Lathrop trotter is the source for gas and steam turbines, turbine generator sets, and combined heat and power solutions. Modern steam turbines use essentially the same concept but many detailed improvements have been made in the intervening years mainly to improve turbine efficiency. Gas turbine engines derive their power from burning fuel in a combustion chamber and using the fast flowing combustion gases to drive a turbine in much the same way as the high pressure steam. Steam power engineering video, nptel open course, click here. Bearings and lubrication for small steam turbines efficient. Steam turbine was invented in 1884 by sir charles algernon parsons. Boiler, turbine, condenser, pump, carnot cycle for steam, disadvantages of carnot cycle application. It steam power plant decreases the moisture content of the steam at the turbine exit as can be seen in t s diagram as shown in figure 2. Even the definition of a turbines suitability for a certain service is often debated and. Nov 01, 2007 if you ever have dealt with small steam turbines, chances are that issues of bearing selection and lubrication had to be addressed. Both impulse and reaction turbines have steam inlet nozzles. Steam turbine lecture 22 compounding of steam turbine lecture 23 impulse steam turbine lecture 24 impulse steam turbine performance lecture 25. Steam turbines generators and auxiliary systems program 65.

Lecture series on applied thermodynamics for marine systems by prof. Pdf power plant lecture notes chapter6 gas turbines. Pdf power plant lecture notes chapter4 steam turbine. Power plant engineering notes pdf ppe notes pdf book starts with the topics introduction, boiler, classification of boilers, fire tube boiler, water tube boilers, introduction, classification of a steam turbine, simple impulse turbines. The steam inlet nozzles are arranged in several groups with all but the main group having control valves. Steve, assistant professor, amal jyothi college of engineering, kanjirapally. Power plant engineering study notes handwritten free study stuff. There are certain losses in energy of steam which occur inside a turbine. Jun 24, 2015 in the second part of this series, the author talked about the story of the first little toy turbine.

Steam turbines are a sort of prime movers which are used to convert heat energy into the work. Steam turbine types steam turbine types based on blade geometry and energy conversion process are. In addition to central station power, steam turbines are also commonly used for combined heat and power chp instal lations see table 1 for summary of chp attributes. Publication date 1923 topics steam turbines publisher new york. Steam turbine maintenance is of high importance to keep the steam turbines efficiency high and to conform to safety standards to avoid any unforeseen dangers. Good morning, i welcome you all for the last topic of the course on fluid dynamics and turbo.

The steam which contains some water particles in superposition. In this way the power produced by the turbine can be varied. Maintenance and overhaul of steam turbines wgp42 05. For steam turbines to operate with high reliability and availability, the ability to. Steam boilers, engines, nozzle, turbines mechanical mcqs pdf. Industrial chemistry ic vocational uso4cicv01us04cich02. The motive power in a steam turbine is obtained by the rate of change in momentum of a high velocity jet of steam impinging on a curved blade which is free to. Operation and maintenance schedule of a steam turbine plant. A steam turbine uses thermal energy from pressurised steam to do mechanical work. Turbines in ohio, kentucky and indiana lathrop trotter. Turbines also help us make the vast majority of our. Siemens offers a comprehensive range of steam turbine products in the power output range from 90 to 1,900 mw. Impulse and reaction turbine are two main classifications of the steam turbines. It converts a part of the energy of high temperature and high pressure.

Design and operation vol 2 leizerovich, aleksandr shaulovich on. Because the turbine generates rotary motion, it is particularly suited to driving electrical generators about 90% of all electricity generation in the united states 1996 is by use of steam turbines 1 wiser. The gas turbines book in question is several hundred pages long and besides the basics, covers some of the more complex and lengthy work in recent gas turbine development. Steam turbines are used in all of our major coal fired power stations to drive the generators or alternators, which produce electricity. Lecture 33 turbine definition, types of turbines, comparison of gas turbine with reciprocating ic engine and steam turbine, classification of gas turbine 34 lecture34 thermodynamic cycle or brayton cycle, problem solving 35 lecture 35 regenerative gas turbine cycle, reheat gas turbine cycle, problem solving. Lec11 basic concept of turbine, velocity diagram youtube. This highvelocity steam produces dynamic pressure on the blades in which blades and shaft both start to rotate in the same direction. These mechanisms are indicated in table 1 along with the resultant damage and typical causes of failure. Working principle of steam turbine depends on the dynamic action of steam. The steam turbine operates under high steam pressures, and has a number of moving parts that move at extremely high velocities.

Pressure compounding, velocity compounding, pressurevelocity compounding, the impulsereaction turbine, flow of steam through impulse turbine. Any turbomachine extracts energy from highpressure steam and converts it into shaft work. Steam turbine blading can be subjected to several failure mechanisms in service. In fact, the steam will issue from the nozzle in the form of a high speed jet. If this high velocity steam is applied to a properly shaped turbine blade, the steam will change in direction due to the shape of the blade. The efficiency of this type of heat engine is directly related to the efficiency of the expansion of the steam. Purpose this manual can be used for preliminary selection, steam and cooling water planning for steam turbines in basic and detail engineering stages. Pdf power plant lecture notes chapter2 steam power. This article focuses on marine steam turbines and their applications.

Because up to 70% of outages planned for steam power plants involve work on the turbine, power producers continually seek ways to optimize operation and maintenance activities on aging turbinegenerator fleets. Design, application and rerating explains to readers how steam turbines should be selected, operated, maintained and improved. Combined heat and power technology fact sheets series. Steam turbines shows how to select, improve, operate, and maintain highquality mechanical drive steam turbines with maximum efficiency and minimum downtime. Steam turbine principles and practice by croft, terrell, 1880. A read is counted each time someone views a publication summary such as the title, abstract, and list of authors, clicks on a figure, or views or downloads the fulltext. In its simplest form, a steam turbine consist of a boiler steam generator, turbine, condenser, feed pump and a variety of auxiliary devices. Wherever energys being harnessed for human needs, turbines are usually somewhere nearby. A highvelocity steam is coming from the nozzles and it strikes the rotating blades which are fitted on a disc mounted on a shaft. Since then turbines based on these principles have evolved in parallel and in fact merged to some degree. It is very useful for all kind of gate, ssc, ese and other competitive examinations. This new second edition offers authoritative information on the operating characteristics, design features, reliability, and maintenance of all steam turbines.

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